The next Ordinary General Assembly of WAKO Europe will take place on Monday August 28th 2023, at Tüyap
Center – Büyükcekmece, Istanbul, Turkiye, during The European Championships for children, cadets and juniors.
All members have already received the first part of the materials for the Assembly.
For the purpose of the good organization of the WAKO Europe Ordinary General Assembly, it is requested that – within 7 days before the date scheduled for the meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly (i.e. by August 21st 2023):
(i) all Delegates shall send to WAKO Europe Administration a copy of the power of
attorney (Proxy) signed by the duly authorized legal representative of the Member;
(ii) all Members (including the Delegates) shall notify in writing to WAKO Europe Administration their attendance to the General Assembly and the name and email address of the person that will attend in representation of the Member;
(iii) all Members shall notify in writing to WAKO Europe Administration any proposals in connection with the items on Agenda.