Irish Open beated all records in number of athletes and also in quality of performing
As far as we are talking about championships, we have to say that master of all master championships in WAKO kickboxing ever was latest Irish open. Amazing number of 3450 participants leave us speachless. If somebody doubt that this is possible in one tournament, we were the bystanders. We participated. And we really enjoyed.
Irish Open beated all records in number of athletes and also in quality of performing
As far as we are talking about championships, we have to say that master of all master championships in WAKO kickboxing ever was latest Irish open. Amazing number of 3450 participants leave us speachless. If somebody doubt that this is possible in one tournament, we were the bystanders. We participated. And we really enjoyed.
Irish open grows every year, but like Mr. Roy Baker,promoter, said: “Number of countries and competitors grow every year. This year, we are 23% bigger in every issue than the last. From this level, I really don`t want it bigger, becouse it would be difficult to function”.
In gordios sport hall there were 17 areas ( 16 tatami and one ring). You could meet people from all around the World: Venezuella, Israel, Cuba, Chille, USA etc. All colours of beautiful world of martial sports and arts were there. You could see young, little kids preparing for their performans and also the veterans who proudly were performing karate and thai chi katas.
“The best thing about Irish Open is that we do this for child charity projects, nobody here get`s payed! You see judges and refrees doing their job all day and know that they are doing this for no money! We have hundreds of volonteers, security, even first aid doctors and all of them are here for free. In the first day we sold about 3000 Irish Open T-shirts , the last penny goes to humanitarian activities for kids. That`s why we are so successfull,”proudly explaining Mr. Roy Baker.
Level of fights was very high, quantity didn`t ruined quality. In -74 kg division there were 97 fighters, on any other tournament it is 10, 12, maybe 15 but 97! But instead of mess which was in the sport hall all days of competition, where everybody want`s to be near the fighting arena, fights were full of adrenalin and passion for victory.
“Honestly, I must say this: I think this level of competition will never be again! Of course, Irish Open has it`s time now. In future,something else will come. We needed 21 years to get to this. This event wasn`t created overnight. But, I have to remind that there are four big tournaments now in Europe: Athens challenge, Irish Open, Austrian classic and Best fighter in Italy. Competitors from Europe and whole world can enjou all these tournaments”, said also Roy Baker.
Irish open closed its doors 2nd of March. It is not possible that somebody went home unsatisfied. At last, those who didn`t have reasons to selebrate victory, could take part and enjoy unforgetable Sajonara party.