by nenad
Mayor of Gyor opening the championships

European Championships for Children, Cadets and Juniors

Gyor, Hungary, 24.8.-1.9.2019

European Championships for children, cadets and juniors officially has started. This year event is taking place in fantastic Audi arena in Gyor, Hungary. For the first time it has been organized also for the children division from 8-10 years only in Point fighting.

Mayor of Gyor opening the championships

opening ceremony  

Draw started at time with the introductory speech of WAKO Europe act. President Istvan Kiraly and WAKO IF President Roy Baker about the process, and lasted about three hours, due to the numerous starts at the Championships: 1991 entries from 39 European countries.

referee seminar  
Referee seminar                 

Referee seminars for tatami and ring has been held to be sure everything is clear about the rules, due to the ongoing process of changing the rules in WAKO which is not finished yet and until than, the actual rules and regulations are in use.

During the meetings, the new Medical Committee Chairman dr Massimiliano Bianco has been appointed. His speciality is sports cardiology and he already had researches in the field of combat sports so there are many plans in this area already announced.

the new medical committee chairman
The new medical committee chairman

The next day the early morning hours has been reserved for the Opening ceremony, with many VIP guests from the goverment establishment and the Mayor of Gyor himself. It was magnificant spectacle and beautiful parade of teams and judges and referees in the massive lining up at the stage.

WAKO Europe act President Istvan Kiraly at the opening ceremony   WAKO President payed tribute to the struggle with health problems of WAKO referee Marco Pakor

During the ceremony WAKO IF President Mr Roy Baker thanked to all participants, parents and coaches and reminded that kickboxing teaches children about reselience which became a indispensable feature in today’s world. He also payed tribute for the life struggle of WAKO referee Marco Pakor, which was very touching.

The fights started 26.8. and in the next week the competition will be held on 8 tatami areas and three rings.

WAKO TD challenging the teams who can cheer better



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