„I am delighted to see the sport of Kickboxing recognized at the highest level of CONI. It is a testament to to the development of the sport in Italy by its President Donato Milano, his team and of course our Honorary President Ennio Falsoni,“ said WAKO President Roy Baker.
Italian Kickboxing federation become a National Sports Federation of Council of the National Olympic Committee of Italy
Italian Kickboxing federation FEDERKOMBAT has become a National Sports Federation (FSN) of Council of the National Olympic Committee of Italy (CONI).
May 23rd, 2023, will remain forever an historical date for the Italian Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Shoot Boxe and Sambo (FEDERKOMBAT), since on that date the Council of the National Olympic Committee of Italy (CONI) had approved unanimously the passage of the status of the Federation from DSA (Associated Sports Discipline) to FSN (National Sports Federation).
FEDERKOMBAT President Donato Milano expressed his happiness and pride for this recognition, for which the whole federation was working on very hard during the last ten years: the President, Board of Directors, the General Secretary, all staff of the federation and its Committees.
„We walk in the steps our honorary President Ennio Falsoni has created. He founded the federation in 1974 (named “FIAM” at the time) and the very first recognition by CONI was in 2004. A dream we all dreamed about has finally come true for the national combat sports movement under the aegis of FEDERKOMBAT and CONI. It’s time to celebrate now, looking forward to the future development of the combat sports for the athletes and especially young generations in Italy,“ said Donato Milano, FEDERCOMBAT President.
On the photo: CONI President Mr. Giovanni Malago with FEDERKOMBAT President Mr. Donato Milano and Mrs. Elena Pantaleo as CONI Board member for athletes representation