Home » New WAKO and WAKO EUROPE leadership

New WAKO and WAKO EUROPE leadership

by nenad
pelevic wako predsednik

At the WAKO General Assembly held in Dublin on November 24,  Mr. Borislav Pelevic, former WAKO Vice-President and President of WAKO Europe, was elected for the new WAKO President for period of four years.
For the election of Mr. Borislav Pelević as WAKO President voted 113 delegates with voting rights and only two delegates abstained.

Immediately after the election Mr. Borislav Pelević pledged that during his Presidency he will work only for the progress and development of kickboxing and WAKO. He declared that he has knowledge, passion, and energy for such a task. After the election of the WAKO President, delegates unanimously elected also the new WAKO Board of Directors.
Congratulations to Mr. Borislav Pelević on his election as WAKO President as well as new members of the WAKO Board of Directors. We wish to all of them a lot of hard work and success.

pelevic wako bord direktora

The first decision that Mr. Borislav Pelevic has made and announced to all delegates on WAKO General Assembly after his election, was to resign from position of WAKO Europe President. In accordance with WAKO Europe Statutes Mr. Pelevic has named Mr. Roy Baker, WAKO Europe first Vice-President to substitute him on Position of WAKO Europe President.

roy baker2

Mr. Roy Baker shall operate as WAKO Europe Acting President until the next WAKO Europe Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly.  We are sure that WAKO Europe is safe in his competent hands in the future.

Roy Hickey Pelevic

Mr. Borislav Pelevic, new WAKO President and Mr. Roy Baker, new WAKO Europe Acting President being congratulated by Mr. Patrick Hickey, President of European Olympic Committee following their appointments as new WAKO and WAKO Europe leaders

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